Streamlined Scheduling for University Athletics

Streamlined Scheduling for University Athletics

Last updated Aug 19, 2024

For university athletics scheduling, coordination is the key. There are multiple schedules coming together, from different departments, coaches, and teams. To coordinate shared facilities and resources, you need an clear overview of all the factors in one place. Here’s how Teamup can make athletics scheduling streamlined and efficient.

The challenge of a complex athletics schedule

There’s a lot going on within a single university’s athletics department.

There are different teams, with their own coaching staff, practice schedules, and facility needs. Plus, there are student activities, intramural sports, and campus events to consider. With all these separate schedules, it can be quite a challenge to find availability for shared facilities or resources. And it’s tough to coordinate departmental meetings or transportation.

To make scheduling efficient for the entire athletics department, you need one place where all these factors and schedules come together. Otherwise, planning use of shared facilities involves a lot of back-and-forth communication, plus checking and rechecking to avoid conflicts. But when you can see everything in one place, it’s possible to coordinate use of shared facilities, allocate resources effectively, and avoid bottlenecks with transportation, parking, or other potential issues.

Get a clear visual overview of the whole athletics department

A Teamup calendar used to schedule all events and manage shared facilities for a university athletics department.

Here’s an example of how athletics scheduling can look with Teamup.

  • Sub-calendars are assigned to individuals (coaches and staff members), facilities (training rooms, gyms, etc.), and teams.
  • The sub-calendars are organized in folders with color-coding to provide quick visual information about the schedule. This basic structure can be expanded, so even with a large and complicated athletics department the schedule stays neat and understandable.
  • Configurable event fields and custom fields capture all the other details and distinctions, like event type, ticket cost, location details, and more.

See the whole academic year at once

A university athletics department calendar on the Year view, showing all 12 months on one screen for an overview.
Since all the schedules are brought into one master calendar, it’s possible to look ahead over the whole academic year and make coordinated scheduling decisions. Year view can also be adjusted to show 1-12 months, so you can focus on the quarter or semester, then zoom out to the whole year view again as needed.

Compare schedules side-by-side

A university athletics department calendar in Scheduler view, with individual calendars shown side-by-side for easy checking of availability

Teamup has different calendar views that show the data in unique, helpful layouts like Scheduler view, above.

Scheduler view shows each sub-calendar in its own column, for a quick side-by-side comparison of what’s happening in different areas. That’s especially helpful for those times of year when team schedules overlap or tournaments and special events are happening.

Customize access for each group or individual

Secure access, customized for each team or staff member, makes it possible to delegate scheduling without losing central oversight. Each coach or team scheduler can have their own calendar access, allowing them to input their practice schedules, games, events, and facility usage requests. Facility managers can schedule maintenance or repairs so coaches know when a field or facility isn’t available. Customized access allows risk-free autonomy for each team or department, which reduces the administrative workload. But there’s still central management and oversight of what’s happening in the bigger picture.

Share schedules with team members and others

Team members need to know when to show up for practice and what time the bus is leaving for away games. And fans want to know when games and special events are happening. Secure, read-only links make it easy and safe to share the relevant information with different groups, to share a calendar publicly, or even embed Teamup on the university website. All updates are synced automatically; no need to spend time on frustrating manual updates across multiple platforms.

Try streamlined athletics scheduling for your university

We’ve created a calendar template with a basic structure and configuration already in place, so you can try Teamup out for your athletics scheduling. Just click the button to create a new calendar, then adjust for your specific needs.

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