Turn a Calendar into a Personal Habit Tracker

Turn a Calendar into a Personal Habit Tracker

Last updated Feb 22, 2024

Are you trying to build a new habit, or strengthen an old one? Or maybe you just want one place to keep track of your progress on a habit you value. A personal habit tracker is a great way to make the most of your habits. You can create a brand-new Teamup calendar or turn an existing calendar you no longer use into a personal habit tracker.

Why use a personal habit tracker

Habits are the foundation of life. By building better habits, you can improve your life in a way that really sticks. That’s great news, because you don’t have to make a sudden, huge change to make your life better. You simply make incremental improvements, as consistently as you can. Over time, those little improvements add up. One habit at a time, you can change every single area of your life.

There are many resources about why and how to build good habits. The typical expert advice goes along these steps: you get a trigger from a context to take a certain action. The more you repeat this action, the more automatic it becomes. Researchers have studied 15 ‘behavioral change techniques‘ that help this process along. A personal habit tracker can help with about half of them:

  1. Action planning: create a recurring event for each habit, e.g., a short walk every day or date night every week.
  2. Set behavioral goals: add a monthly or quarterly goal for each habit to your tracker.
  3. Self-monitor behavior: use a custom choice field to check off each habit as you complete it.

    Update status on a browser, or do so on a smartphone
  4. Self-monitor outcomes of behavior: pay attention to how you feel or what changes and note it on your tracker.
  5. Review behavioral goals: it’s easy to review your goals when they’re on your habit tracker!
  6. Feedback on behavior: each check mark you add is positive feedback.
  7. Focus on past success: it feels great to look back over a week, month, or more and see what your progress!

You can create a free Teamup calendar here to use as a personal habit tracker. Or, if you have a Teamup calendar you don’t use or need anymore, reconfigure it!

Use your personal habit tracker

What habits will you build with your personal habit tracker? Here are a few ideas:

  • Build a green space habit to calm your busy mind.
  • Grab something off your Someday/Maybe list and start making it a habit.
  • Stay in better touch with friends and family.
  • Log your daily run and see your total miles add up.

Whenever you complete a habit practice, add it to your calendar as a new event and check the Done emoji. It’s also easy to update your habit progress with Teamup’s mobile app for iOS or Android:

Learn more about tracking your habits with Teamup or learn about upgrading old habits.  Ready to track? Create your personal habit tracker now.

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