14 Ways to Use Event Comments on Your Teamup Calendar

14 Ways to Use Event Comments on Your Teamup Calendar

Last updated Feb 22, 2024

With event comments, you can use your Teamup calendar even more efficiently for team discussions, collaboration, feedback, and record-keeping and more.

Teamup makes scheduling easier by helping you to keep everything in one place. Having a central dashboard makes it easy to discuss, plan, share ideas, gather feedback, and keep records. With event comments, you can use your Teamup calendar even more efficiently.

How to Use Comments

For calendar admins, make sure that Comments are enabled in Settings > Event Fields. By default, the Comments are disabled as a global setting but users with modify permissions can enable Comments in the event editor for any individual event as needed. If the global setting is enabled, Comments will be enabled for all new events automatically. You can enable or disable Comments for any existing events individually.

Using Event Comments in the Web Browser

Add comment to event To use comments in the web browser, open the event editor. Click on Options, then click on Comments. Enable Comments and select who can view comments. Next, save the event. Now comments will now be enabled on that event. Once saved, users can comment and view existing comments on the specific events.

Using Event Comments on the Mobile Apps

Add comment to event To use comments on the mobile apps, access the event settings by opening the event, then clicking the gear icon in the top right. Tap on Comments, then configure the settings in the drop-down menu. Click the check mark in the top right to save your changes. Now users will be able to add and view comments in the event.

Ways to Use Event Comments

1. Get Real-Time Input

  • Enable the event comments on a group event or meeting. Then, before the event begins, encourage participants to input their notes, ideas, questions, or suggestions using event comments. It’s a streamlined way for people to leave their thoughts as the event unfolds, while the ideas are still fresh.

2. Collect Feedback Immediately

  • As you wrap up a meeting, workshop, or other group event, encourage participants to leave their feedback using event comments. Collecting feedback right away helps you to gather more and better feedback; you won’t have to follow up with participants later, or miss out on real-time impressions.

3. Gather Anonymous Feedback

  •  Let participants know that they can put “Anonymous” instead of their name, or leave the name field blank when leaving a comment. This anonymity can make it easier for individuals to leave honest feedback on their experience. In a small community or organization, for instance, people want to be kind and spare hurt feelings. But honest feedback can make events better; with anonymity on event comments, you can gather honest feedback without creating conflict in the community.

4. Keep Chronological Notes

  • The description area provides ample space for event details, but with event comments you can leave a record of notes sorted by date and time. For example, if you’re reading a book, you can add it to your calendar as a multi-day event. Then, after each reading session, leave a comment with the pages you read and your thoughts on them. All your notes will be there for easy reference, saved in the event, with a date-time stamp on each one.

5. Save Time-Stamped Records

  • Event comments are a way to keep records with a time-stamp. For example, a delivery business could have their drivers input a comment when the delivery has been successfully completed. The driver can describe what was delivered, the condition it was in, who received the delivery, and other pertinent details. The comment is automatically time-stamped; if a customer complains that a delivery wasn’t made, you can check the scheduled delivery event and see an accurate record in the event comments.

6. Document Deliveries for Field Workers

  • Each event comment is a fully functional text editor, and can include uploaded images and documents. So, as in the example above, event comments can be used as a record of successful deliveries. Drivers can even upload a photo of the delivered item and a photo of a signed delivery receipt. All the records are right there on the calendar event and instantly available for the central office staff.

7. Let Participants Share Resources

  • You can use event comments to enable all users, even those with read-only access, to share resources with other calendar users. This way, the event itself is not modified or in danger of being accidentally deleted or changed. But users can still share information and helpful resources on the event itself. For example, a workshop participant could upload a copy of her notes from an event.

8. Discuss Event Details

  • Sometimes you now the basics of an event but aren’t quite sure about the details yet. You can use event comments to discuss options with your team or with invitees. That way, you can put everything that’s been decided about the event in the Description, and open up comments to the details yet to be determined. As decisions are made, you can add the new information to the event description.

9. Capture Memories

  • Use the event comments as a way to save thoughts and images of an event. Every calendar user can be part of memory saving, when you enable comments for all users. You can have family members share their images of a vacation, or use a calendar event as a way to keep a gratitude log, snap a daily photo, or keep a record of your team’s progress on a project.

10. Make Notes on Recurring Events

  • If you use a recurring event for a task or habit, you can use the event comments to make notes on each individual occurrence of the event. Simply enable comments on the day’s event and save. If you exercise daily, for example, you can use the event comments to log how far you jogged or what weight-lifting routine you followed.

11. Make Hand-Offs Easier

  • If one team member is handing a task off to another, event comments are a great place to share all the notes and information accumulated. Encourage the team member who’s handing the task off to use the comments as a way to track the steps they’ve taken, as well as pertinent information such as contact information, resources, client preferences, etc. When the task is transferred to the next team member’s calendar, it will take all that information with it.

12. Collaborate on a Menu

  • Are you in charge of planning the next big family gathering? Create an event for each meal, provide the details in the description, and ask family members to share what they can bring in the event comments. This method eliminates the common problem of two or more people bringing the same food item to share.

13. Plan Sessions with Clients

  • If you use a Teamup calendar to manage appointment booking with your clients, you can use event comments to gather more details. For example, a personal trainer could ask her clients to share what they want to accomplish for each session. They can have a conversation in the event comments, and it’s all saved on the calendar event. The trainer can look back at past booked sessions and see a record of the client’s requests and their discussions.

14. Keep Internal Notes

  • If you need to keep notes or record data on various calendar events, you can do so using event comments. Custom event fields can be helpful for recording data, status, or other inputs; however, if you wish to keep certain notes or data hidden from some users, you can use event comments. Enable comments, then set the comments to be visible only for users with modify permission. Calendar users with read-only or add-only permission will not be able to see the comments. You can then use the event comments as internal notes. Since event comments are saved with the calendar event, they’re easy to find when you need to review your inputs or data for a particular event or project.

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