12 Ways to Use File Uploads with Your Teamup Calendar

12 Ways to Use File Uploads with Your Teamup Calendar

Last updated Feb 22, 2024

Whether you use Teamup for a family calendar, a community group, your department, or your entire organization, there’s a lot more to a single event than a date and time. You may have images, instructions, work orders, and more that need to stay with the relevant calendar events. Did you know that you  can easily upload files to your Teamup calendar? Keep all the information in one place for easy reference, sharing, and record-keeping.

Take a look at these scenarios and try this live demo yourself for uploading files to get ideas and inspiration for your own use!


Upload lesson plans and materials

With Teamup, teachers can do lesson planning and upload documents directly to the calendar. It’s an efficient way to manage material sharing with students. Keep all the images, files, or documents relevant to the lesson right there–no need to send an email with attachments, send students to a file repository, or deal with paper print-outs. You can make uploaded images visible in the event or show them as clickable links.

Photos from school events

Instead of emailing photos or messaging links to a shared photo album, just upload photos to the school event on the calendar! The photos stay organized automatically when they’re added to the actual event. No more searching email for the correct images. This is a great way for the journalism club or yearbook committee to collect photos throughout the school year. Parents and teachers who are chaperoning field trips can upload photos on mobile. Less hassle for everyone!

Event flyer for an online class

Remote learning makes education possible anytime, anywhere. Online classes can be live or asynchronous, for adults or kids, part of school curriculum or “just for fun” to learn about special interest. Instead of sending emails or having to update multiple social media posts, use an attractive event page. Teachers or coordinators can create an event flyer and upload it to the event. Then, share the event page anywhere! If you update the details on the event, the event page will update automatically.


Job details for field crew and subcontractors

In the construction industry, it’s essential to get the right info to the right people. Subcontractors need job details about their projects. Field workers need updated specs and reference documents so they’re doing the right work in the right place. Instead of  time-consuming phone calls, text messages, or printouts that get lost, upload everything to Teamup. Attach work orders, maintenance checklists, or add reference photos for work to be done. On mobile, crew members can preview the file easily, or tap to open for more details.

Blueprints, specs, and contracts

Construction jobs often involve many phases and steps, with complex instructions and dependencies. Ensure that everyone has the latest specs, reference documents, and plans by keeping them all on the calendar. It’s so much easier than emailing documents back and forth, sending links, or digging through a pile of paperwork. Plus, all the documents are available to the office staff, crew leaders, and project schedulers at the same time. When a document is changed, just upload the latest version to the calendar and everyone has the most recent information.

Proof of delivery

Many companies are responsible for delivering goods to customers or materials to job sites. It’s good business practice to have proof of delivery, so conflicts can be quickly resolved. With Teamup mobile apps, the delivery driver can add a photo of where he left the materials at a job site or customer location. No need to send a photo through messaging or email, or have no proof of delivery at all!


Reference image for room setup

Make it easier to share spaces with reference images. For example, perhaps a community center has shared meeting rooms, or there’s a community workshop, maker space, or classrooms. Instead of typing a long description or having to call someone to get details, add a marked-up photo to show how the room should be set up. You can also add images for how the space should be cleaned up and arranged after use!


Photos from group event

Capture memories from a holiday party, an end-of-year club outing, or any other special event. How fun would it be to have photos, notes, and quotes from many people involved? Share the event page with everyone and let people upload photos and notes. It’s much easier than chasing people down later, trying to get them to email or message photos. If you do any sort of community newsletter or club updates, you can quickly grab event photos to include.

Instructions for volunteers

Volunteers make things happen! But they need to know what to do, and clear instructions make it easier for everyone. Whether it’s a fun community festival, a non-profit fundraiser, or a club event, you can upload images and documents to make the process smoother. Instead of printing out copies or trying to explain complicated instructions over and over, add visuals and instructions to the calendar.



Gift ideas and holiday journal

No more scattered notes, lists, or photos: get yourself organized for the holidays, and enjoy the memories you’re making. Instead of chasing down notes across apps and lists scrawled in different places, use Teamup to capture gift ideas, decorating inspiration, recipes, and photos of the special times. Keep a holiday journal of special moments and places, like these beautiful photos of snow-covered scenery. Plus, with all your plans, images, and files saved on a calendar, you can revisit them next year. No need to start all over again.

Progress photos for habit tracker

Building a new habit? Motivation skyrockets when you look at the cumulative progress you’ve made. Set up a simple habit tracker with Teamup, put in a daily checkmark, and add a progress photo every day or week. It’s easier to feel motivated when you see all the data, and visual progress, in one place instead of scattered across your calendar, app, and social media. Bonus: if you share photos of your progress to Instagram or Facebook, you can upload them directly to your calendar.

Travel documents

Get the stress out of traveling and give yourself peace of mind. Gather all the documents related to travel, from your itinerary to hotel reservations, directions, and a copy of your passport. Upload all your documents for travel in one place, instead of having them scattered in piles of paper, email threads, and phone apps.

Try it out!

Think about how your workflow could be improved by uploading files, images, and documents right where they’re needed. No more back-and-forth with office staff, shuffling through papers, searching email, or scrolling through texts trying to find that one file again. If you have a great use case or a nice story involving uploading files to a Teamup calendar, please email us, we’d love to hear from you.

File uploads work both in a browser and with Teamup mobile apps. There are three ways to upload files: in the Description field, in the event comments, and NEW! in the Attachments field (beta only).

Try the latest version of this feature (beta) with this live demo!

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