All Stories
The information in any event field can now be displayed in the calendar view. You can configure which fields show.
Wondering how to create a blank calendar? It's easy with Teamup. Print a calendar using one of our printable calendar templates.
Be accountable, set triggers, schedule rewards and celebrate milestones for stronger habits.
One simple solution helped this enthusiastic group of tour guides focus on what they love most: sharing their city with visitors. Most of the...
How to delegate tasks, set deadlines, and track progress with a diverse group of volunteers
Being able to operate as a group is paramount to getting work done. Most people have tried Google or Outlook calendars, but they’re just not...
How to use sub-calendars and custom permissions to simplify scheduling, school, food, and finances for your family.
Start small, grow along. A user story of how a group of therapists uses Teamup to handle multiple rooms with different availability. Group Profile Transformations...
Being able to have a whole year plan at a glance is very helpful to many organizations. Teamup offers a unique year view that...
The latest updates, version 1.3.0 for the Android app and version 2.4.11 for the iOS app, allow you to create repeating events right in the app....
If you don't use the year view in your daily use of Teamup Calendar, it's time to click the Year tab in the top...
Event fields on Teamup are now customizable: Rename the built-in fields like Who and Where, add new custom fields, or reorder fields. Still...
A calendar is an incredibly important tool for any small business owner, freelancer, or entrepreneur. A well organised calendar is crucial for knowing where...
We have delivered a new feature: Now you can add comments to specific events. It is available to all users. An event creator can...
Update, March 2019: We’ve added lots of features and made significant improvements and updates since this post. Check our monthly updates or read the...
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