New Feature: Duplicate a Calendar

New Feature: Duplicate a Calendar

Last updated Apr 30, 2024

When a Teamup Calendar works well for one team or project, a similar setup often works well for another team or project. What if you could copy a calendar that works well? Now you can! Instead of building the sub-calendars, custom fields and the basic configuration from scratch, you can duplicate the setup of an existing calendar. See this guide for detailed steps.

The new duplication feature makes it super easy to copy the sub-calendar structure and/or basic configuration of any Teamup master calendar. The copy is created as a brand-new Teamup calendar. Then you can adapt and scale the duplicated calendar as needed.

Try these calendar duplication examples

Conference agenda for an industry event

Industry events typically make an official agenda available on the website for attendees, exhibitors, and other participants. The schedule is often continuously updated throughout the event. Staying in sync can be a real challenge for event organizers who update the agenda and for participants who rely on it. Especially for teams from large organizations, there are many priorities to cover from sessions to demos to meetings to networking opportunities. Common solutions like spreadsheets or Outlook are inconvenient, inflexible, and easily outdated – not to mention frustrating.
With Teamup, conference or event organizers can build a visual master agenda on a user-friendly interface. Then, they can create a template so attendees can duplicate the official conference agenda and stay in sync automatically throughout the event.


Try it out: A demo conference agenda for attendees

copy conference agenda button

A duplicated conference schedule on Teamup: Attendees can show or hide tracks, filter by custom field, and create their own personalized agenda for the event. Try for yourself.

Conference organizers would create the official conference agenda on their master Teamup calendar and share it securely on the event website. Then, they can create a Template link which allows attendees to copy the conference calendar structure with the official agenda synced via iCalendar feeds.

  • Try for yourself as an attendee: Copy a demo agenda, refresh in a minute or two, the demo sessions will show up automatically. You can then plan your personal schedule at the conference right next to the official agenda!

See also how Teamup can support marketing teams at trade shows.

A personal journal or tracker

Keeping track of what matters can be difficult. It’s easy to let the urgent things get in the way of what’s most important. Keeping a personal life journal is an effective way to keep your attention where you want it to go.

Try it out: Duplicate a simple journal

creeat my journal from template

A personal journal for writing down anything, or track exercises and gratitude. Go to Settings to reconfigure it as you wish.
A personal journal for writing down anything, or track exercises and gratitude practice. You can reconfigure anything in Settings as you wish. Try for yourself.

You can duplicate a calendar in two ways:

  1. By using a special Template link (created by a calendar administrator).
  2. As a calendar administrator, from the calendar Settings.

Try both methods with the simple journal calendar shown above. Click to duplicate the Journal (method 1) so you are the administrator of the new Journal. Make any adjustments you want to the copied calendar: Rename the sub-calendars, change the colors, configure the event fields, review and adjust the default settings. Then try out method 2 and duplicate it from Settings directly. If appropriate, you can use method 2 to duplicate another calendar that you administrate.

See also how to use Teamup for live team journaling at events.

Contribute to the template gallery

To make the Duplicate feature even more useful, we’re building a template gallery for well-designed Teamup calendars. Do you have a calendar that works well for your project, team, organization, or personal use? Contribute a template to our gallery so others can duplicate your calendar structure and jump-start their own calendar. Head over to this form to submit your template, or simply email us.

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