With Teamup that makes scheduling easy and efficient, this non-profit manages a staff of four, and 100+ volunteer providing an audio news and information...
Is your business adapting to changing rules and regulations in this time of pandemic? It's important to keep your customers informed of changes that...
An active community organization has a lot going on. During pandemic times, it may be an even greater challenge to share information efficiently with...
Keep everyone updated on school and community events, whether they’re tech-savvy or not. A shared school calendar from Teamup is accessible for all members...
Volunteer work relies on communication and organization; it’s important to have a volunteer work calendar that’s as reliable and helpful as you and your...
We were thrilled to receive a message recently from Professor Sarah E. Hughes, Access Services Librarian at the David & Lorraine Cheng Library at William...
Create and share a community calendar with Teamup! It’s easy. Let groups collaborate, share the calendar securely with the public, and promote events. With...
The Plattsmouth Public Library has set up a shared community calendar that multiple organizations and groups use to keep community members informed about events,...