Keep Your Calendar Secure; Do Not Forward Notification Emails

Last updated Sep 20, 2022

Teamup notification emails contain direct links to your sub-calendars and calendar events, so you can easily access your calendar from your notification emails. Therefore, forwarding a notification email means sending these links to someone else. We recommend that you do NOT forward notification emails; rather, use the Sharing options (from the browser or mobile) to share individual events with others and keep your calendar secure.

Keep Your Calendar Secure

You can sign up for Teamup notifications via email, if desired, and receive updates via email on changes made to your calendar. To subscribe to notifications requires a Teamup user account, or you will need to ask your calendar administrator to set up the subscription for you.

Each notification email contains direct links to the sub-calendars and events mentioned in the notifications; this makes it easy for you to click through directly to your calendar and see details, make additional changes, or perform other necessary tasks.

A notification email contains your calendar link.
A notification email contains your calendar link so you can click through to the event.

However, it also means that if you forward a notification email to someone else, that person will now have access to your calendar. Thus, to keep your calendar secure, you should not forward notification emails to other people unless they are authorized to access your calendar using the same calendar link in the email.

Other types of notification emails, such as the reminder to renew your subscription, are even more important: they contain the administrator link to your calendar. The administrator link grants access to all calendar settings. It’s very important to keep your administrator link secure. If you purchase a Teamup Calendar through a reseller, for example, and receive a renewal notice, do not forward your renewal notification to your reseller; instead, send them a separate email. This way you will keep your administrator link and your calendar link secure.

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