How to Limit Signups and Manage Bookings for COVID-19 Restrictions

How to Limit Signups and Manage Bookings for COVID-19 Restrictions

Last updated Sep 20, 2022

If you’re working to stay within the restrictions in place for public health and safety, you may need to maintain control of signups and bookings. For example, you may need to limit signups to use a shared space or resource to a certain number of people at one time. Or perhaps you need to manage bookings to ensure that there are gaps between people coming and going to limit physical contact. Here are some options and methods to help you do so.

Option 1: Limit signups on any single event

limit signups on any event by setting a maximum number of signups

The easiest way to keep signups to a designated number of people per event is built into Teamup’s Signup feature. For any event, you can enable signups. Then you can set a maximum number of signups allowed. Once the maximum number is reached, no more signups will be allowed. You can also set a signup deadline, if needed.

You will see a small flag symbol on events which still have open signups. Once the signup maximum has been reached, the flag will disappear; this indicates that signups for that event are closed.

Here’s how to use this option:

  • Open the event.
  • Select Options > Signups.
  • Toggle to enable Event Signups for the event.
  • Set the maximum number of signups allowed.
  • Set a signup deadline, if desired.
  • Click Done, then click Save on the event.

You can enable signups on the Teamup mobile apps or on the web browser →

The signup method is good if you wish to pre-schedule appointment times or have more control over when the shared space or resource is used.

Option 2: Use multiple sub-calendars to manage bookings

Limit signups and manage bookings for shared spaces and resources

Any individual sub-calendar on your Teamup calendar can be set to prevent double-booking. You can use this feature to limit signups or allow only a specific number of bookings per space or resource.

To do so, create one sub-calendar per “slot” that is allowed for each resource. Set each sub-calendar to disallow double-booking. Then you can allow people to create their own reservations on the calendar for a specific space at their preferred time; once all the available slots are filled for any time period, no more will be allowed as the sub-calendars will not allow double-booking.

In the example above, there are five slots for using the barn and arena area. Thus, any five people can be using this shared space at the same time. There is no set schedule; each person can reserve their own time. There is only a need to ensure that no more than five people are using the shared area at one time. If someone tries to reserve a time when the slots are all filled, they will receive an error message:

Limit signups and manage bookings for covid-19 restrictions

The person who wishes to reserve a time for using the space can simply do so at a later time.

Learn more about using Teamup as a simple booking calendar →

The sub-calendar method is good if you wish to allow people to freely set their own usage times as needed. You can create a shareable calendar link with add-only permission, then share it with group members.

Photo by Thomas Peham on Unsplash

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