User Stories
Editor’s Note – April 2021 updates from the customer, Teresa Ortiz, more than 5 years after she shared the original story below in 2015:...
Teamup user story from Kristina Whetzel, Kyanite Acres, Virginia, USA: Teamup is a great tool for organizing my dog show schedules and sharing with...
Teamup user story from Michelle Atkinson, Look Good Feel Better, New Zealand: We use Teamup to manage over 25 calendars for our volunteer management...
Story from Darcy York, Barcelona Study Abroad Experience, Spain We are a study abroad program in Barcelona, Spain and are working with students that come from...
A Teamup user story from Barry Mattison, Off The Wall Art & Framing, USA: Most calendars tend to be cumbersome and hard to implement...
Teamup user story from Carole Jeske, USA I’ve used Teamup twice now in very critical times of need. The first time was June 2014...
A Teamup user story from Piera Luisa Ghia, The Pierre Auger Observatory, Argentina Dear Teamup Team: This page gives me finally the occasion to...
A Teamup user story from Ruben Hansen, Daltek, Denmark: “I started my company in May 2014. During the first couple of months loads and...
Tony, a tennis club administrator in Kent, England, told us about how he was looking at converting their paper based court booking system to...
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