How Teamup’s Time Zone Support Helps Scientists in 16 Countries Collaborate

How Teamup’s Time Zone Support Helps Scientists in 16 Countries Collaborate

Last updated Sep 20, 2022

A Teamup user story from Piera Luisa Ghia, The Pierre Auger Observatory, Argentina

Dear Teamup Team:

Scientists collaborate in many different time zonesThis page gives me finally the occasion to thank you for your really great calendar!  I am a member of a 500-people collaboration of physicists who all together have built and are running the largest ever cosmic ray detector in the world, extending over 3000 km2 , in Argentina.

The collaboration includes scientists from 16 different countries, spanning from USA to Australia. We are organized in several analysis groups, seven of them, that, together with another colleague, I am in charge to coordinate. The groups have regular phone calls and virtual meetings. Before discovering you, the superimposition of meetings or the confusion on dates and times were the order of the day. Now, thanks to your calendar, everything is well-organized, and the whole scientific structure has become more efficient, proficient and transparent. Not only the collaboration is large in geography and time zones, but also in age and computer competences, ranging from our brilliant students, computer-gurus, to more aged ones, who at the time of their PhDs did not even know what a computer was. But your calendar is so easily usable, that no one has experienced any issue in exploiting it, or simply reading it. So, many many thanks. You really made our life better!

What we like best about Teamup?  Its simplicity (in adding, modifying, deleting an event) as well as its elegant appearance.  The clear coloring, that we use for each different task, is extremely useful too. It has now become natural for us to associate colors to our science groups.

The very best feature for us is certainly the possibility for each of us to see the agenda in one’s local time, from California, to Australia. You have no idea of how many times, before you, we mixed CET with UTC, or with the different USA time zones. All now is naturally solved, and no one has excuses anymore for missing a phone call or a meeting…

Thank you so much Piera for such a wonderful story!  What an honor to be able to help the scientists collaborate better, the people who have built the largest ever cosmic ray detector in the world!


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