Last updated Mar 7, 2023
Update, March 2019: We’ve added lots of features and made significant improvements and updates since this announcement. Check our monthly updates or read up on the latest mobile-related posts to find out what the Teamup mobile apps for iOS and Android can do for you!
Over the past weeks, we’ve released new versions of the Teamup iOS app. If you have not updated to the latest version, please do so.
Below are some of the recent usability improvements and bug fixes included in the recent releases. Check out the quick tutorial or experience for yourself!
- On the sidebar, the clickable area around the eye icon is bigger now, making it easier to toggle between showing or hiding events on the sub-calendars. Learn more about how to hide calendars as needed.
- In the event viewer, formatted text such as bullet list and bold text are styled properly.
- In the event viewer, images are resized proportionally if the originals are bigger than the size of the screen allows.
- In the event editor and viewer, the who and where fields are expandable to enter or display all information as needed
- In the event editor, the keyboard are hidden if no text input is expected
- Week numbers are displayed correctly regardless of the calendar’s week start setting.
- If multiple calendar links have been added to the dashboard, switching between calendars scrolls to the position that is on the top of the day, not at the current time of the day, so that all-day events will not be overlooked.
- Device language setting is correctly used to display date and time
- Deleting events will no longer trigger any error messsage
- Dashboard is now also accessible in the bottom of the sidebar
- Help info on how to use the dashboard is available on the dashboard
Thanks to all users who have sent us suggestions and bug reports. Your feedback is much appreciated!