New look for events assigned to multiple calendars

New look for events assigned to multiple calendars

Last updated Mar 7, 2023

Update, March 2019: We’ve added lots of features and made significant improvements and updates since this announcement. Read the latest on our blog, check our monthly updates, or create your own free calendar to find out what Teamup can do for you!

Have you been using Teamup’s unique feature of assigning one event to multiple calendars?  If so, you may have noticed that these events are now displayed in stripes with the colors of the assigned calendars.

Display of an event assigned to multiple calendars

The new way of visualization offers some practical benefits, such as

  • eliminating the duplication of event entries
  • showing clearly which calendars are assigned to the event
  • making better space allocation when hourly events are stacked horizontally
  • displaying more title text in the day, multi-day and week views
  • allowing more events to be displayed vertically in the multi-week, month, and year views
Color stripes for events assigned to multiple calendars
A calendar example with events assigned to multiple sub-calendars – click to see a larger image

Enjoy the new look of your calendar.  Please drop us a note in if you have any feedback – we appreciate it!

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