Glossary terms


What are folders?

Folder organization allows you to group your sub-calendars into folders. You can nest folders for an organizational hierarchy.
Content Team
56 sec read

What is the event editor?

In the event editor, you can customize the details of your event, set details for scheduling and recurrence, and upload images and files.
Content Team
1 min read

What are filters?

Filters are the search tools included in a Teamup calendar. Filters make it easy to find the specific information or events you need, even...
Content Team
57 sec read

What are access permissions?

Access permissions determine what a user can do on a sub-calendar. For example, a read-only permission allows a user to view the events on...
Content Team
1 min read

What is a calendar link?

A calendar link is a custom URL that is used to access as Teamup calendar. All users, both individuals and groups, use a custom...
Content Team
1 min read

What are calendar views?

Take advantage of all of Teamup's unique calendar views to see your schedule in the way that works best for you. Customize your calendar...
Content Team
37 sec read

What is an administrator link?

An administrator link is the key to your master calendar; it allows access to your calendar settings, and should be kept secure.
Content Team
50 sec read

What’s the difference between a master calendar and sub-calendars?

Sub-calendars are individual calendars that are contained within your master calendar. You can create and organize multiple sub-calendars.
Content Team
1 min read
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