New Live Demo: Discover or Rediscover Teamup’s Unique Features

Last updated Sep 20, 2022

Teamup’s live demos have been one of the most helpful resources for our users to learn about Teamup and find out whether it’s the right solution for what they need. To make it easier for everyone to discover or re-discover some of the unique features, we’ve created a new live demo calendar that you can simply launch-and-play. It demonstrates a simple company calendar of a small business where staff members may reserve rooms or other shared resources. Features highlighted in this demo calendar include:

If you are not familiar with Teamup yet, pay special attention to the newer calendar views: The Timeline view and the Table view. You can easily switch among the views in the top right corner of your calendar.

timeline view
Timeline view: Adjust the date range and zoom level as needed. Shown in this example: Date range = 2 weeks and zoom level = 10.
table view
Table view: Data in each event field is displayed in its own column. Adjust the column width as you’d do in Excel. There are additional display controls in the top right corner.

If you have never expected to be able to display information this way on a shared calendar, you are not alone. It’s time to think about where you display similar types of data and how you may benefit from having this data on a Teamup calendar instead.

Last but not least, a tip for power users:  The Table view now supports tally for numerical data. Create a custom field with the type Number, and experience how Teamup calculates the sum for you.

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Simply launch and play the new Teamup live demo calendar. Discover or rediscover some of Teamup's unique features! Share on X

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