How a Cleaning Service Uses Color for Efficient Scheduling

How a Cleaning Service Uses Color for Efficient Scheduling

Last updated Feb 22, 2024

Established in 2002, Frontline Housekeeping Plus provides the finest professional level house cleaning, housekeeping, and commercial cleaning services in Spokane, WA. We love the way they’re using color to keep their teams coordinated and schedule efficiently.

Here’s their colorful calendar:

The teams are assigned to a color (calendar). Then cleaning appointments are added to each team’s calendar.

The color-coding is consistent across the calendar, the equipment, and the vehicles:

We love the color coding feature, as it helps our Teams differentiate who they will be working alongside and which vehicle they are assigned to. We color code all our equipment as well, so that our teams are sure to grab all their supplies for the day. This allows us to stay organized and make any changes immediately (if a van is in the mechanic’s shop, we simply change that Team’s color on the calendar for the day, so they know how to proceed and what supplies go with them).
– Joe Redington

This is a great example of consistent color-coding to make scheduling easier (and more fun). The assigned color gives a strong visual cue that carries across the whole workflow.

Thanks for sharing the story with us, Joe!

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